My Cousin Tone’ will be performing at Wegman’s, on Sheridan and Evans, one Friday per month from January to March of this year. The band will be playing from 6 pm to 8 pm. It is always a good time to listen to great music in a relaxing environment.
Here are the dates:
Friday, January 15th
Friday, February 5th
Friday, March 11th
My Cousin Tone’ will have a variety of players during the three dates, which include special guests Nelson Starr on trumpet, David Manth on sax, and Pete Dauphin on trombone. The band members Karen Ragusa on bass, Tim Martin on sax, Andy Peruzzini on trumpet, Jim Matteliano on keyboards, Mary McMahon on vocals, Bill Basil on drums, and Tony Zambito on drums will be bringing you the sounds of jazz up on the second landing. Look for the mix of jazz standards, jazz blues, and classic jazz we love to play for you.
Plan to come on by for dinner, music, and yes – get some shopping done, too! We hope to see you there!