Live at the 1963 Monterey Jazz Festival (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Tomorrow night, My Cousin Tone' kicks off a hot August month of performances. Including our scheduled performance at the Lewiston Jazz Festival. It is shaping up to be a spectacular month of four appearances!
First up is tomorrow night August 10th beginning at 8pm we will be at Pizza Plant on Transit Road. This is always a fun time. Good food, good beer, good wine, good people, and good music.
Then, we will be returning to Iris on August 17th beginning at 8pm. This time we return to the stage for a full night until 10:30pm so don't miss it.
On August 22nd, we will be performing on the front lawn of the ASA Ransom House in Clarence as part of the Clarence Hollow Association Concert Series from 6:30pm until 8:30pm.. This is a fantastic event folks. The front lawn in front of the ASA Ransom House is historic and always draws a large crowd. Gruvology wowed 'em last month and we are ready to do the same! Bring lawn chairs, coolers, food, and drinks. The ASA Ransom House will also be selling food and drinks.
On August 24th we are pleased and excited to make our first appearance at the LEWISTON JAZZ FESTIVAL. We kick off the Saturday portion on the porch of the historic Frontier House beginning at 12:30pm and play until 2:30pm. Plenty of room for the crowd. Don't miss our performance and come on out to support the jazz festival.
Finally, on August 29th, we will be plaing during the Music on Main Event in Williamsville on the corner of Rock and Main Street beginning at 6pm until 9pm. It is a wonderful location and this our thrid year - a must come-to blast of music you don't want to miss.
So come on out to all the events and join us. It is going to be a hot summer month of August filled with music, friendship, fun, and good cheer.
Do all you can to Keep Jazz Alive - there is a resurgence happening right now - keep it alive folks.
My Cousin Tone'