Three is the magic number this week for My Cousin Tone’! We will be performing Thursday, June 11th, Saturday June 13th, and Sunday June 14th. It is going to be a fun weekend!
First up, the band will be at the annual Music On Main events taking place every Thursday in Williamsville. On Thursday, June 11th at 6pm, we kick-off performing on the corner of Rock Street and Main Street. We have played this corner before and it is one of our favorites. This is a great place to watch and listen. Acoustics are great.
Second up is the MCT band will be at the Pizza Plant on Transit Road once again. The band gets underway at 8pm. The Pizza Plant serves great food and has a wide selection of craft beers. Plus, they have a good wine list.
Third up is on Sunday June 14th beginning at 2pm, the band will be performing in the Olcott Beach Band Shell. The weather is supposed to be nice and sunny with a high of 80 degrees. A perfect day to pack the lawn chairs, take a scenic ride to the quaint town of Olcott Beach, and enjoy the outdoors sounds of jazz.
Join in on the fun and join the band on one of these three days or for all three days! Summer fun has just begun!